METALPINE is looking forward to participate at the IOM World Titanium Conference in Edinburgh from 12-16 June 2023.
long-standing international conference provides an unrivalled forum over
5 days for the world’s titanium community to meet, present and discuss the
latest technological developments in titanium science and technology: from the
latest extraction technologies and new modelling approaches through to new and
exciting applications of the Wonder Metal.
Or main focus is clearly on high quality powders of pure titanium or titanium alloys (e.g Ti64, beta titanium,…) for demanding applications in industries like aerospace, medical, automotive and energy. Metalpine develops and provides titanium powders for a big range of MIM and additive manufacturing processes like LPBF, e-beam, CMF,… and we are looking forward to establish strong and long therm partnerships!
Check out our Titanium portfolio right here.
Or contact us for your specific Titanium request
Meet you in Edinburgh !